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Change isn't Always Negative, we can help you move on there is a positive future ahead
By: Sampair Group

Three Things To Avoid If You Want To Keep Custody Of Your Kids

Arizona Divorce Law

Getting divorced involves making decisions on many things. Some of the choices, like who gets the CD collection, are easy when compared to other issues that must be tackled. Among the most difficult things to decide during divorce are how to divide assets and liabilities, and who gets custody of the children. Making sure your kids are safe and happy are our priority as well, which is why we take an aggressive position when advocating for your children and offer advice on how you can help your cause.

A recent article regarding a celebrity who lost custody claims the result was due to actress’ Kelly Rutherford’s alleged interference with the relationship her children had with her ex. This scenario is being seen more frequently and is referred to as parental alienation syndrome (PAS), which is described as a pattern of behavior by one parent that influences the way a child feels about the other. The instances of PAS seem to be increasing, and as more claims are made it is likely the Courts will begin considering this type of activity when deciding custody. Three other things to avoid if you want to keep custody of your kids include:

  • Stay off social media! Things you post can come back to haunt you, and may even cost you custody.
  • Keep your friends close, but stop short of divulging every detail of your case. The more you keep to yourself, the less chance you have of putting friends and family in the awkward position of having to offer testimony that may damage your case.
  • Stay out of trouble with the law. Judges can be hesitant to give custody to parents that have a lengthy criminal record.

The bottom line is that custody and even visitation issues will be determined by an examination of factors the Court believes are in the “best interests of your kids”. Every case is different; but common themes include whether the home is stable, the wishes of the children (for older, more mature kids), the strength of any existing relationship with each parent, the ability of the parents to provide for the emotional and financial needs of the kids, and how well the kids will be able to adjust to a new environment if a change of school or other regular activities is made.

Let us put our experience to work for you. Call The Sampair Group in Phoenix and the West Valley today.