Phoenix Child Support Modification Attorneys on Your Side
When your family’s circumstances change, this can necessitate a modification of child support. You’ll want to know exactly how much you deserve to be paid so that you ensure all of your child’s needs are met even as they change over time. The loss of your job or a newly acquired disability are examples of reasons you could qualify for an adjustment to child support payments. Also, if your child should incur extraordinarily high medical expenses, this could mean a modification of child support is necessary. Your child’s needs are your top priority, so don’t let these expenses stop you from giving them the best. Our legal team knows how to achieve the results you want for your family. Let us help you navigate the procedures involved with adjusting your child support payments—make the call today to schedule your initial consultation in Phoenix at 623-777-3909.
Who can Request Changes in Child Support?
In the state of Arizona, either parent can request to modify child support payments, regardless of who is the custodian of the children. The parent requesting the change will need to file a request for the change with the court, either by themselves or with an attorney. They could also petition for modification of child support payments through the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS). Either way, the individual may need to provide proof that the changed circumstances do, in fact, justify a change in child support. The court will then verify the facts to be sure that a modification is justified. It’s also important to note that, in Arizona, even if no significant changes have occurred over a three-year period, a parent can also file for a modification of child support. With all of these nuances of the law with regard to child support, it is critical to have someone experienced on your side to work through the process with you. Our legal team is ready to stand by your side and get you the results you deserve in your child support modification case.
What Conditions May Qualify for a Modification of Child Support?
Arizona law allows for child support modification in many different scenarios. With a trusted attorney on your side, you will know ahead of time how to best achieve the change in child support you need, as well as how to go about filing for the change. Some reasons child support can be modified are the following:
- Change in income, either decreasing or increasing
- Underemployment or loss of job
- Disability acquired during the period of child support
- Changes in health insurance coverage
- Significant life changes, including incarceration
- Emancipation of children
- Additional children needing child support
- Change of job
- Change in pension/Social Security benefits
- Change of custody of the child
- The child inherits a large trust fund
As you can see, there are a variety of reasons a parent would need to adjust their child support payments, and the above is by no means an exhaustive list. When meeting with a lawyer, you can spell out your unique situation and get the attention and perspective that will be most helpful for you and your family. Reach out to us today for a consultation.
How Long Does it Take to Modify Child Support?
After beginning the process of changing child support payments, it could take up to 180 days for the court to review and verify the charges presented as evidence in the case. As part of filing for a child support modification, the parent may also need to complete various documents such as a Request for Modification Review, an Affidavit of Financial Information, an Agreement to Accept Service by Mail, and a Request for Modification Checklist. These forms will need to be filled out and submitted, often by mail. While these forms are available from the Arizona Department of Economic Security, the easiest way to handle the process is to go through experienced attorneys who understand how to best help you and get you the results you deserve. The processes of divorce, determining child custody, and assigning child support are emotional endeavors that can be extremely stressful considering all that is on the line for you and your children. Don’t go it alone! Let our resourceful legal team stand by your side through the whole process by reaching out to us at the Sampair Group today.
Can Our Lawyers Help with Your Child Support Modification?
Many families attempt to get their child support payments modified and do not succeed because the situation doesn’t qualify. One example of a situation that would fail to achieve a change in child support would be changing schools or after-school activities. Also, a change in child support may not be needed just because a parent moves, even though this could change the visitation schedule. A court will not always adjust child support just because the child has more resources, such as a new stepparent, or because a parent has another child with a new spouse. However, as shown above, there are many scenarios in which the parent would, in fact, qualify for a change in child support payments. This could include underemployment, loss of job, extraordinarily high medical expenses, or other life changes. With the wide variety of situations a family could find itself in, you don’t want to be in the dark figuring out how to modify your child support on your own. Using our services can be the most important decision you make in beginning your journey of seeking a change in child support. Call our compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys today at 623-777-3909.