Change isn't Always Negative we can help there is a positive future ahead
Change isn't Always Negative, we can help you move on there is a positive future ahead
By: Sampair Group

New Year’s Resolutions To Make After A Divorce (Part 1)

Surprise divorce law

New year, fresh start. Phoenix divorce lawyers at The Sampair Group know how difficult the holidays can be post-divorce. Now that 2014 has begun, it is the perfect time for a fresh start. Here are some post-divorce New Year’s Resolutions that can help you to reflect on how far you have come and how far you can still go.

  • Treat your ex with respect and be kind. This will help all parties involved in the split and will inspire your ex to treat you with the same respect.
  • Keep an open mind when getting back in the dating world. This is your chance to take some risks and not be so picky when it comes to dating. Sign up for a dating website, get yourself involved in activities where you can meet others, and start living. There’s nothing holding you back now.
  • Stop stalking your ex online. You’re only hurting yourself by doing this. It’s highly unproductive and putting your focus on this person is taking your focus away from taking care of yourself, your kids, and creating room in your life for someone that is better for you.
  • Never put your ex in a negative light in front of your kids. Doing so can create a lot of negativity for your child. Do all of your venting privately.
  • Put yourself first. Rebuild your self-esteem and confidence by being your own cheerleader.

Continue to Part 2 for more resolutions that will inspire you for 2014.

For more information on divorce and how your outlook on your future after a split can impact the process, contact a Surprise divorce attorney at The Sampair Group. We will work with you to ease the stress and pressure that can come from a divorce proceeding, along with all of the other elements that come with it. Visit us today at Sampair Group for a consultation.