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By: Sampair Group

What is the “best” time to divorce?

Arizona Divorce Law

At The Sampair Group, we understand the emotional and physical strain divorce can take on families. That’s why we provide legal advice to help you through this process. An Arizona divorce lawyer can help you gain insight into your rights and all the complexities of your divorce that come with it. One question that many inquire about is when the best time is right to get a divorce.

In an article written by Judith Wallerstein from, she gives great suggestions and information on when the best time to divorce is: 

“I hear this question every time I lecture to parents or participate on talk shows. People love their children, and they want to diminish any hurt from the divorce. They want to know whether there’s an age when divorce is easier on children. What’s the “best” time to divorce? The trouble is, there’s no simple answer. It all depends on what’s going on in your family, what kind of parents you are, how much you can cooperate, and also the age and temperament of your child.

First take a close look at what’s happening in your family. If there’s chronic violence at home, the answer is “the sooner the better,” unrelated to the age of your child. By violence, I mean physical attack — hitting, kicking, throwing objects — or chronic threats of physical violence. Exposure to violence has serious consequences for a child’s development that may last well into adulthood. They fear for your safety. They fear for themselves and their siblings.

If there’s repeated high conflict in your marriage accompanied by yelling, screaming, and pounding the table, then I’d also say the sooner the better. Since there are no meaningful measures of high conflict, this judgment is highly subjective. Some families are reserved, others are operatic. But if you’re in a marriage where almost every subject is material for another fierce argument, you know what I mean. In some high-conflict homes, serious differences between the partners are a recurrent theme in everyday life. In other marriages, fights erupt over insignificant issues — a grocery bill, local politics, a bad report card — leading to hurt and a sense of endless frustration. Like violence, high conflict is terrifying for children to witness because it creates a climate that leads to fear and trembling. In such an environment, a child can lose the capacity to trust, even to feel. The longer it goes on, the worse it will be.”

This sound advice can help you through the divorce process. For all other legal questions regarding your divorce.

To read the full article click here: What is the “best” time to divorce?